Faculty position (FoAss) in tree genomics/bioinformatics at Umeå University 2010

  1. Umeå University - with its 33,000 students and over 4,000 employees - is an organisation in constant change and development. Umeå University conducts groundbreaking research within several areas - several in which we are among the best in the world - within others regarded as the leaders in Sweden. We are one of Sweden’s largest providers of education and offer a broad and attractive range of courses and programmes. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment for everyone that studies and works here. We wish to co-operate with companies and organisations throughout the Umeå region and all over the world.
  2. Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) is a Centre of Excellence in plant and forest biotechnology. At UPSC, ca 40 research groups work with various aspects of plant biology, including cell and molecular biology, genetics, genomics, developmental biology, physiology and ecophysiology.
  1. The centre was formed in 1999 as a collaboration between Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and has since then developed into the one of strongest research environment for plant science in Europe and offers to its researchers a variety of outstanding common resources and technical platforms, an highly collaborative and international atmosphere – at present over 35 nationalities – a graduate school for PhD students. For more information, visit www.upsc.se.
  2. Most research at UPSC exploits the model systems Arabidopsis and Populus, the research on various aspects of Populus growth, development, genomics and biotechnology is world-leading. Now another main model system will be added since a consortium of Swedish researchers, led by UPSC, has obtained funding to embark on a project to sequence the genome of Norway spruce (Picea abies).
  3. This project also includes, for example, projects on association mapping, a functional genomics and also comparative mapping in Scots pine. In addition, UPSC is a major partner of several big projects granted in 2009, “Bio4Energy”, “Bioimprove”, “Sustainable use of natural resources– forests and other plant material” and “Parasite resistant trees”, as well as the “Berzelii centre for forest biotechnology”, launched in 2007. These projects capitalize on the research infrastructure but also contribute to develop them further. As part of “Sustainable use of natural resources – forests and other plant material”, two Assistant professor (FoAss) positions are now open.
  4. The successful candidates are supposed to develop strong and independent research focusing on Norway spruce and/or Populus. Through the Norway spruce project, these researchers will get access to vast amounts of genetic and genomic data and are supposed to take leading roles in the data analysis, where also other researchers will contribute and together form the unit for tree genomics and bioinformatics, which will be central in the project and work in close connections to the Computational Life Science Cluster (CLiC) in Umeå, the Bioinformatics group at the newly formed Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm and international experts. Substantial amounts of funding are, in the Norway spruce project, available for bioinformatics and resource development, in addition to funds needed to generate the DNA and RNA sequence data. However, the holders of the positions are also encouraged to exploit the Populus genetic and genomic resources available at UPSC.
  5. There is a start-up package (a PhD student position and additional funding) connected to each position, and mentoring program will be provided to optimize the prospects of attracting independent external funds.
  6. The separation of task and research profiles between the two successful candidates will be decided on depending on their interests and to harmonize with the research profiles of the other PIs in the project, but could for example include bioinformatics-oriented tasks like genome annotation and database construction, analysis of repetitive elements, gene expression patterns, small RNAs, genome evolution, or comparative genomics. In addition, opportunities to work more towards genetics and/or biological function are available, like association mapping or large-scale gene function analysis.
  7. The Faculty of Science and Technology encourages assistant professors to participate in undergraduate teaching up to 20% of their working time. Teaching qualifies for an extension of the position with up to one year. Teaching duties require excellent proficiency in either Swedish or English.
  8. Candidates must have a PhD not more than five years old and documented research expertise in genomics and bioinformatics. Since the research is to be performed in the context of a large research program, a key issue in the evaluation of the candidates will be the expected capacity to use the data generated in the program. Background information of the program and other relevant information can be obtained from Stefan Jansson stefan.jansson@plantphys.umu.se, tel 090-786 53 54 or 070-677 23 31.
  9. The application can be submitted either electronically (MS Word or PDF format) or in hard-copy form (two copies) and should contain the following items:
  • A curriculum vitae,
  • A publication list,
  • A list of persons (with contact details) willing to provide oral or written recommendations,
  • A statement of previous research achievements and teaching merits,
  • A research plan (maximum 4 pages),
  • Copies of degree certificates,
  • Reprints/copies of selected publications, numbered according to the publication list.
  1. Note, in order to be considered, applications must include copies of reprints. If the application is in paper form, all items above must be submitted in two copies.
  2. Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 312-226-10, should be sent to jobb@umu.se (state the reference number as subject) or to the registrar, Umeå  University, SE-901 87 Umeå , Sweden to arrive March 30, 2010 at the latest.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Ref. http://www8.umu.se/umu/aktue

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